My name is Anna Kempf, and I’m an American English Teaching Assistant working at the Herzog-Otto-Mittelschule Lichtenfels this year. I practice speaking English with the children and help to clarify the language. When I came to Germany, I brought some things from the United States with me, like American money and banners and sweatshirts from my college to show the children some things from America.
I was born in Ohio in the United States and grew up on a small farm. My family grows many different vegetable crops,
such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, corn, strawberries, raspberries, and other vegetable and berry crops. My parents also have horses and cows, and a small sugarbush where we made maple
syrup every year in February.
For the last four years, I lived in a different state, Massachusetts, where I went to college. In college, I studied Anthropology (the study of human culture and evolution), German language and European history. I am very excited about the opportunity to spend a year in Germany and get to know the children and help students to improve their English speaking skills at Herzog-Otto-Mittelschule Lichtenfels.
Wir sind sehr froh darüber, dass unsere Bewerbung für eine Fremdsprachenassistentin beim Bayerischen Kultusministerium erfolgreich war und Anna Kempf unseren Englisch-Unterricht als “native speaker” bereichert!